About Fellows

Fellows believes that your clothing can be more than just a piece of fabric. It can be a reminder of things long forgotten, it can be a piece of history that you carry with you. But mostly importantly that vintage clothing can be something that’s for everyone…

Fellows believes that your clothing can be more than just a piece of fabric. It can be a reminder of things long forgotten, it can be a piece of history that you carry with you. But mostly importantly that vintage clothing can be something that’s for everyone.


Vintage clothing has always been a safe place for me. I struggled a lot with body image growing up. It wasn’t till I discovered vintage in my early twenties, that I finally started finding joy in getting dressed. Vintage clothing allowed me to take the focus off of myself and more on how unique the clothing was! I fell in love with the process of finding new pieces. Something about the imperfections in vintage clothing, gave me this chance to fall in love with the imprecations within myself. I felt at home amongst all the clothing. Inevitably, my collection started to grow and there was at least three or four bags of vintage in my trunk at one time.


That first summer of the pandemic, I think a lot of us were feeling the need to show up and help in some way. It clicked for me that all those clothes I had could be put to use for something! A group of friends and I put on a thrift pop up and helped raised funds for local BIPOC organizations. What started out as a one time thing grew into something much bigger! The community stepped up in a big way through donating their extra clothing and we were able to continually give back a portion of our profits because of it. As Fellows grew, I realized it was something I wanted to continue to invest in.


Eventually I’d sourced enough pieces to accept the invitation to join Mother Lode, an indoor market featuring over 30 vendors represents some of Atlanta’s finest vintage. Mother Lode is now home to where you can shop most of Fellows inventory today!


I’ve realized that my main focus with Fellows is to sell vintage clothing that is size and gender inclusive! All bodies should be able to experience the love of vintage clothing. All bodies should be able feel joy from finding that perfect piece! And if I’m able to give someone that opportunity, that’s exactly what I hope to do.

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